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Prices(usd) are as follows for commissions:
3” ×3” approx 1-3 flowers= $22.22
4"x4" approx 2-5 flowers= $33.33
8"x8"approx 3-9 flowers= $111.11
10"x10"approx 5-20 flowers= $222.22
12"x12"approx 8-30 flowers=$666.66
12” circle wood panel approx 10-50 flowers=$777.77
16"x24" approx 25-200 flowers= $1414.14
Prices do not include shipping. Shipping will be calculated at checkout.
Flowers per canvas will greatly depend on the size of the flowers requested.
I reserve the right to change prices as needed if extra supplies are necessary to fulfill your vision.
Sizes 8”x8” and up are available as bouquets.
Bouquets can be side view or top view.
12x12 and up are available as vase displays or flowerscape.
Vase displays include a textured background and tabletop lightly painted to accent a vase with a floral arrangement.
A flowerscape is a densely packed, all-over application of 3d flowers which can cover the entire canvas or be applied to achieve a hanging luxurious effect.
This is a special acrylic paint, invented by Justin Gaffrey. It is heavy textured and works so well for piping. It must be allowed to dry and then it becomes a durable sculptural artwork!
Considering there are many steps to each part of the process, it does add up to about 2 weeks. I carefully design each piece with a rough plan, then I begin piping, carefully choosing my colors and designs before creating my first flowers. Then the flowers need to dry, usually small flowers dry within 2 days and large roses may take a week!
Remember I also film my process to share on my YouTube channel so that adds some extra steps as well. I finally take the dry flowers and begin the assembly, intuitively adding flowers and stepping back to assess over and over till I am pleased with the result.
I am still not done. I next assess if the piece requires any final details or color changes. Once I am pleased that the piece is perfect, I admire it, full of satisfaction, then I share it with the world!!!
It is so easy and fun to dust your sculptural painting! A clean soft bristled brush will easily wipe dust away and leave the artwork unscathed. Believe me, the pollen here has been really heavy this year, but I need to have my windows open in spring!
Lately I have been inspired by my real-life travels and my beautiful Pinterest page!
Yes, I am taking a few commissions!
Lemon and Sunshine